It Seems Your Hour Has Come Again



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" Rise and shine, Mister Freeman. Rise and shine. Not that I wish to imply yous accept been sleeping on the task. No 1 is more deserving of a residue. And all the endeavour in the globe would accept gone to waste material until...well, let's but say your 60 minutes has come up again. The correct human being in the wrong place can make all the departure in the earth. And then, wake up, Mister Freeman. Wake upwardly and... odor the ashes...
~ M-Human while sending Gordon Freeman on his way to City 17.

The G-Human being is the overarching antagonist and anti-villain of the FPS thriller serial Half-Life. He is the overarching antagonist of Half-Life, One-half-Life: Blueish Shift, Half-Life: Opposing Force, Half-Life: Disuse, One-half-Life 2 and its subsequent episodes, and the master antagonist of Half-Life: Alyx.

Information technology remains a mystery who or what he truly is or what his truthful function and motives are. Appearance-wise, the G-Homo appears equally an aging businessman who is encountered throughout the series in various forms and places, often delivering cryptic letters to the primary characters, and seemingly decision-making them, or at least observing them at all times. He is ordinarily seen with a mysterious briefcase.

While not strictly opposing the protagonists or even confirmed to be truly evil, he alters a chain of events in history and in turn is responsible for inciting several chief conflicts in the One-half-Life universe; he is the instigator of the Black Mesa Incident, and the indirect catalyst of the Seven Hour War, which led to the Combine Empire'southward brutal occupation of Earth, out of the interest of his enigmatic "employers".

During gameplay, the G-Homo often makes appearances in areas that are out of the player's reach, only confronting the role player directly at the stop of the game where he has taken away the access to their weapons. In between Half-Life and Half-Life two, he seems to put Gordon Freeman in stasis until the World has been successfully taken over by the Combine.

He is voiced by Michael Shapiro, who has also voiced the Nihilanth.


The Grand-Man is seen throughout the games either watching the thespian, or tending to another job such as talking to other characters or but walking through the area. His appearance is that of a businessman always wearing a blue conform, tie, and carrying his signature briefcase which upon close observation contains a handgun and photo.

Other singled-out features beingness his rough and sandy face up, flat hair cut and widow's meridian, and his abnormally light blueish eyes. All the same, his nigh distinctive feature is his calm and raspy voice, ofttimes slurring, pausing between words, and stretching syllables in a way that makes his voice more distinct than others. This is implied to be that he is not used to speaking English language.

This all falls together with his uptight look, he constantly maintains his appearance equally he is usually seen straightening his tie or wiping dirt off his coat, this mixed with his twisted ideals makes him a perfect villain, giving him a at-home trust-able façade over a cold monstrous personality.


As the Thousand-Homo's proper noun implies, he acts similarly to an amanuensis of the FBI, with his at-home clever personality, and his concerns in taking intendance of the Black Mesa incident in a professional and clean way, leaving Gordon Freeman and Adrian Shephard to practise that for him. The M-man does not appear to work alone, rather he works for his "employers" as he calls them, saying that he is simply doing what he'due south told. His job in the incident seems to be merely setting up the dominoes and knocking the get-go ane down, leaving the reaction to occur as he intended in an ultimate effort not to elevate the state of affairs, but to end it.

Withal, he does not seem to exist out to stop the problem merely to terminate it and silence it, leading him to nuke the unabridged facility and discard of all witnesses except for those he finds useful afterward on. Though he has a man appearance he is anything only, as the Yard-Man possesses many supernatural powers such every bit teleportation, inter-dimensional travel, and even the ability to stop time, and is plain invulnerable.



G-Homo'south motivations and backstory are a complete mystery, with only pocket-size hints towards his backstory. Every bit hinted to Adrian Shephard, G-Homo was one time forced to arrange and survive in his by, hinting that he was involved in a similar incident to the Black Mesa Incident.

In March 2000, One thousand-Man oversaw Adrian Shephard's training, 2 months prior to the Black Mesa Incident.


For most of the game, the Thou-Homo watches Gordon Freeman equally he attempts to survive in Blackness Mesa in out-of-reach areas.

Once Gordon prevails against and defeats the Nihilanth, the One thousand-Human teleports Gordon to a foreign, elevator-like place and removes all of his weapons and tools, challenge they were "government belongings", and begins rambling about his "employers", how Xen is now under his "employers" control and of Gordon's "limitless potential", teleporting them around various places of Xen as he does so, once he is done rambling, he will teleport both of them to a Black Mesa tram that appears to be flying through infinite at high speeds, giving him an offering to work for him, opening a portal to an unknown location.

If Gordon refuses to enter the portal, the G-Man sees this every bit Gordon refusing his offer, enraged but keeping his calm, the G-Man teleports Gordon in front of an army of Alien Grunts, leaving him with the phrase "No regrets, Mr. Freeman.", in the files at that place is an extended version of this phrase, "No regrets, Mr. Freeman, but at that place are a few survivors of your personal holocaust, who would similar the run a risk to encounter the human being responsible for the full annihilation of their race.", meaning the Grand-Man knew the Conflicting Grunts would murder Gordon out of revenge for their race, and to ensure this, never returned Gordon's weapons, leaving him defenseless against the army.

If Gordon does enter the portal, the G-Man will congratulate Gordon for his choice, putting him in stasis in his realm to look for the up-coming Combine invasion to use Gordon as a tool to finer silence the Combines.

One-half-Life: Opposing Force

While Adrian Shephard is training in kick camp, the Yard-Man accelerates his grooming without anyone knowing, the drill instructor commenting almost information technology.

Meanwhile, in Black Mesa, it seems Adrian is doomed as radioactive liquids steadily rise towards him. However, the G-Man opens a door, assuasive him to escape the dangerous liquids, saving his life.

Yet, later in the game when trying to escape Black Mesa, before Adrian can escape, the Thousand-Man closes the door on him, forcing him back into the facility.

The Thou-Man reappears to re-arm the nuclear bomb Adrian had disarmed earlier in gild to destroy the Black Mesa facility, leaving the Conflicting Invasion problem to Gordon Freeman to clean-up.

After Adrian kills the Gene Worm, the G-Homo teleports him to safety on a HECU V-22 Osprey helicopter. The G-Homo once again monologues nearly his "employers" and their wishes to effectively silence all witnesses of the Black Mesa incident, but decides against their wishes and decides to spare Adrian, simply mentions that he must be detained. However, G-Man begins musing almost the fact of Adrian's power to "adapt & survive against all odds" in Black Mesa, a giant explosion is then seen in the background, signaling Black Mesa'due south destruction, Thousand-Human then teleports the Osprey to Xen before finally teleporting it into the same void seen at the end of Half-Life, describing it equally a identify where Adrian can "practise no harm" and "no harm tin come to him", he then opens the cockpit door and summons a portal before leaving Adrian in the empty void.

Half-Life: Blueish Shift

The G-Man appears momentarily at the beginning of the expansion pack, appearing to either not notice Barney Calhoun, or is only completely ignoring him. The ending text of the game does imply that G-Man (or his employers) did have some sort of interest in Barney Calhoun, although were unable to detect him any further every bit Calhoun managed to successfully escape Blackness Mesa with a squad of scientists. G-Man was likely preoccupied with Gordon Freeman and Adrian Shephard to go on an center on Barney Calhoun.

Half-Life: Decay

Similar to Half-Life: Blue Shift, the Yard-Man merely appears momentarily at the beginning of the expansion pack, appearing to either not notice doctors Gina Cantankerous and Colette Greenish, or is but completely ignoring them.

Half-Life two

The G-Man awakens Gordon from stasis twenty years later on the Black Mesa incident. During the events of the game, he in one case again observes Gordon from inaccessible areas.

The M-Man appears at the end of the game after Gordon does disquisitional impairment to the Dark Energy reactor, resulting in a giant explosion that would have undoubtedly killed Gordon. Nonetheless, time slows to a halt around Gordon as the teleporter at the top of the Citadel explodes, and the G-Man appears out of thin air. The G-Homo talks nearly how much Gordon has achieved in such a small fourth dimension frame, mentioning that he received "interesting offers" for Freeman's services. He then talks most how instead of offering him "the illusion of free selection", he would choose for him. This is in reference to the events of HL1, where Gordon Freeman was put in stasis if he accepted the G-Human being's offer, and slain by a horde of Xen monsters if he refused. They and then teleport to a black void similar to that of Half-Life 1, where they were in a tram car hurtling through the void. The One thousand-man apologizes, acknowledging that information technology may seem like an "capricious imposition". He starts to explain that Freeman will understand it in the class of something, simply stops himself, proverb that he is not at liberty to say what. He says goodbye to Freeman and exist through an opening in the void, which closes, leaving Freeman in stasis once more.

Half-Life 2: Episode One

The G-Man appears at the beginning of the game, appearing through the aforementioned door seen at the terminate of Half-Life ii. Suddenly a cohort of glowing Vortigaunts with blue eyes appears. The G-Human seems amused past this sight, but another purple Vortigaunt appears, wiping the smirk off G-Man'southward face up. More and more than Vortigaunts appear, a look of irritation now on the G-Human being's face. His irritation shifts to barely veiled anger as he realizes that the Vortigaunts intend to have Gordon Freeman out of the G-Man's stasis dimension. Straightening his tie, the G-Human being replies to the Vortigaunts, maxim "We'll see... well-nigh that.", all the same before the G-Man can break gratis, the purple Vortigaunts successfully teleport Gordon out of the G-Man'southward realm and abroad from his grasp, after this the G-Man is non seen for the rest of the game.

Half-Life ii: Episode Two

Earlier the Vortigaunts could begin healing Alyx, fourth dimension all of a sudden stops. The K-Man calls out to Gordon, and explains the Vortigaunts take somehow been preventing him from telekinetically talking to Gordon. He also explains how the Vortigaunts used to care zero nearly Alyx as all their experiences with humanity ended with a crowbar coming to them through a steel corridor, reflecting on how Gordon killed multiple Vortigaunts in Black Mesa. Chiliad-Man and then reveals he "plucked" Alyx from Black Mesa and used to think of her as nothing more than than a child, however, he learned to ignore the "naysayers", and explains that he remains confident that she has more worth then the appraisement, he then explains how he wishes for "repayment" for saving Gordon's life in Half-Life 2, this repayment is safely escorting Alyx to White Wood, then expresses his wishes to not be able to only go along an centre on Gordon, but has agreed to bide by certain "restrictions", before leaving, he tells Alyx to relay these words to her male parent, Eli Vance: "Prepare for unforeseen consequences."

Once Gordon, Alyx, and Eli meet upwardly, Alyx walks up to her father and relays Yard-Human being'south words before holding her head. The G-Human briefly appears on a nearby Tv screen before she speaks. Eli is disturbed by her words and makes upwardly an excuse for her to leave the room. Afterwards Alyx leaves, Eli reveals he is enlightened of the Chiliad-Man'due south presence too and reveals that the G-Man supplied Black Mesa with GG-3883, a substance that ultimately caused the Black Mesa incident and whispered into his ear "Prepare for unforeseen consequences" soon before the Resonance Cascade.

Eli tells Gordon he believes the phrase is a alert regarding the Borealis and reiterates his belief that it should be destroyed lest the events of the Black Mesa incident repeat themselves. Anything else Eli knew about the One thousand-Man is left unsaid equally he is killed by a Combine Advisor some fourth dimension later.

Half-Life: Alyx

V years earlier Gordon Freeman'southward arrival in City 17, a 19-year-old Alyx goes to search for her father Eli after he was captured by Combine forces for spotting a strange structure at the Urban center 17 Quarantine Zone. Afterward Alyx and a Vortigaunt salvage Eli from a crashed train, Eli reveals that he learned in custody that the Combine were storing a superweapon chosen the "Vault" in the Quarantine Zone. He orders Alyx to find the weapon and get it before information technology can be moved to a safer place.

Alyx finds the vault, which is revealed to be a loftier tech cell. Eli assumes that it contains Gordon Freeman, as previously a Combine scientist mentioned it contained a survivor from Black Mesa. Alyx opens the vault, only to reveal that information technology contains the K-Human, who had been imprisoned at that place by the Combine as he was deemed a threat towards them. G-Man thanks Alyx and offers her his services, revealing to her that he is able to change reality. Alyx requests that G-Man removes the Combine from globe, although he states that information technology is too big for him to handle. However, Thousand-Man offers Alyx a take chances to save Eli and shows her a hereafter event in which he is killed by the Combine Advisor. Alyx uses her gravity gloves to kill the Advisor and spare Eli'south life. Afterward, 1000-Homo reveals to Alyx that she has proved herself capable of replacing Gordon, whom One thousand-Man has grown dissatisfied with for non conveying out his given mission. G-Man then places Alyx into his stasis, having gotten her into his "employment".

In the mail-credit scene, Freeman awakens in the hanger from Episode Two, in which an alive Eli informs him that the Grand-Homo has taken Alyx and vows to kill him. G-Human being tin be seen on a balcony observing the pair of them, before walking off and disappearing.

Characters who "work" for the 1000-Human

Gordon Freeman


Gordon Freeman is a scientist in the Dissonant Materials Labs of the Black Mesa Enquiry Facility where the entire incident begins. G-man is very interested in Gordon, seeing him equally a perfect employee due to his persistence and skills which ultimately atomic number 82 him to stop the invasion and salve the world. One thousand-man is seen constantly watching Gordon from a altitude even before the incident occurs, he is finally confronted at the stop of the game explaining that his "employers" agree with him that Gordon has limitless potential. Though G-man's conversational skills are at-home and professional person, his negotiation skills are designed to get what he wants. When he confronts Gordon at the finish he offers him a job working for him and leads him through a portal which and then takes off in Half-life two, but if refused he will teleport him dorsum to the alien homeworld in front of an army of conflicting grunts leaving him to be massacred by what he addresses as "survivors of your personal holocaust."

Adrian Shephard


Adrian Shephard is a armed forces operative of the Chancy Surroundings Combat Unit that infiltrates the facility to combat the alien forces and Black Mesa personnel. Shephard enters the war machine academy to go a simple soldier but is strangely bumped up to special training for the HECU. Chiliad-homo tin can exist seen standing in a window looking down at Shephard in the army camp, emphasizing that G-man bumped him upwardly intentionally. Shephard is deployed soon later on to combat the incident where he loses well-nigh of his team and is forced to retreat with the rest of the soldiers, but to be stopped by G-man, denying him escape and forcing him to delve deeper into the facility. Shephard and so goes on to deactivate a nuclear warhead placed by Black Op soldiers and destroy the Gene Worm, a big powerful alien coming through a portal in the basement that all the other soldiers failed to destroy. Upon the Gene worm's death Shephard wakes up inside a Five-22 Osprey like the one he came to Black Mesa in, except with G-man inside. G-man and so informs Shephard that he has done skillful in his mission and that he has ultimately ended the second invasion.

However as information technology turns out K-human being re-activated the warhead, destroying Black Mesa with an explosion big enough to be seen from the Osprey. He and then informs Shephard that at that place is notwithstanding the affair of witnesses, which leads him to abandon Shephard in the Osprey which he has teleported to an alternating dimension, leaving him in what 1000-man sees as "A state where you lot tin can do no harm, and no harm can come to you."

Alyx Vance

Alyx Vance.png

M-Man had an interest in Alyx going fashion dorsum to her existence an infant during the Blackness Mesa Incident. He saved her from expiry, although her father Eli wasn't convinced that M-Man had washed it out of practiced reasons, but rather to serve his own self-interests. Alyx seemingly didn't have a memory of beingness saved past G-Human being.

Later on Freeman was forced from G-Human's "employment" past the Vortigaunts, 1000-Man later managed to communicate with Freeman and asked him to get Alyx safely to White Forest. Whilst Alyx was unconscious, Chiliad-Man whispered in her ear to pass on a message to her male parent: "Prepare for unforeseen consequences".

Subsequently Freeman and Alyx arrived at White Woods, an image of G-Man on a screen triggered Alyx to relay the message to Eli, which shocked the old human who nearly passed out.

5 years before Half-Life 2, a younger Alyx ended up releasing G-Man from a prison created by the Combine. He offered his services, and after she witnessed a future where her male parent died, she opted to save him. Although 1000-Homo immune this to happen, information technology came with a price as he ended up forcing Alyx into his employment, and placed her into stasis until she was needed. This appeared to come near as G-Man had grown dissatisfied with Gordon Freeman, presumably after he was freed from his grasp.

Black Mesa


G-man played a major role in the Black Mesa incident, being the one who started and ended it. Information technology'south revealed past Eli Vance (another one of his employees) that he was the one who supplied Black Mesa with the Xen crystal that caused the accident, and he likewise re-activated the nuclear warhead that completely destroyed the facility. Yard-man'southward motive for causing the incident is clearly an lodge by his "employers" due to Blackness Mesa being as G-man tells Shephard "1 of the biggest embarrassments". As it is revealed in the game the Black Mesa scientists were constantly traveling back and along from their dimension to the aliens and bringing back specimens for report, due to the fact that this was entirely dangerous to practice, in threat of causing inter-dimensional rifts or revealing this to the public, it was decided to silence the unabridged functioning earlier anything could happen.

Though the invasion did what it was supposed to in destroying the facility, and the nuke wiped out the aliens, the rift that was letting the aliens in remained open, leading him to become Gordon and Shephard to shut the rifts for him, leaving him to destroy the remaining aliens and people with the nuke, thereby silencing the unabridged dilemma.

Notable Quotes



  • Originally when Half-Life came out it was thought that G-Man was the often mentioned ambassador. This was due to the fact that G-Man stood out and had the appearance of someone in that function, forth with the fact that he had the Blackness Mesa logo on his briefcase. Many Half-Life mods at the time would assume Yard-Man was the ambassador of Black Mesa, and place him in an antagonistic role, and fifty-fifty online guides would refer to him equally "administrator". Information technology wasn't until the release of One-half-Life two when the administrator was revealed to exist Wallace Breen, a completely divide grapheme.
  • One-half-Life: Blueish Shift, Half-Life ii: Episode One and Half-Life 2: Episode Two are the only games in the series that don't stop with G-Homo putting the player into stasis. Also Half-Life: Blue Shift and One-half-Life two: Episode One are the only games in which G-Man doesn't oversee the role player's deportment during the course of the game.
    • Notwithstanding it is possible that he was somehow overseeing Barney Calhoun'due south journeying in Half-Life 2: Blue Shift, as the catastrophe of the game gives Barney's status as "Out of Range" (as he managed to escape Blackness Mesa).
  • His power to disappear and his strange mysterious behavior has often been parodied in Half-Life related media, almost notably the Half-Life 2 webcomic Concerned: The One-half-Life and Death of Gordon Frohman. A disavowed and hard to detect web-comic Catching the G-Man (which could accept been found on the Concerned forums) dealt with the main character whose life goal was to try and grab G-Human being, but always ended up failing.
  • Originally in Portal ii when Wheatley (known every bit Pendleton at this time) awakens Chell, he informs her that "A man with a briefcase was only hither to come across you lot!", which could possibly hateful that the Thou-Man also has an influence over Aperture Laboratories, and could too possibly be the reason Chell was awoken from her simulation, as he has awakened Gordon from stasis in the past.
    • He could likewise possibly too be the reason for Chell's bump up in testing in Portal, every bit he has influenced characters similar the Ratman before and has also bumped upward Adrian in his preparation from a elementary soldier to a special HECU soldier.



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